Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Time When

A Time When

There’s a time of peace
There’s a time of calm
There’s a time for right
There’s a time for wrong

Time when conscious
seems to keep us strong
There’s a time for struggle
When the fight is all wrong

There’s riches waiting
Riches ahead
In the palm of your hands,
flowing through your head
You can make them come now
Be there tomorrow
Your heart filled with joy
Relieved of all sorrow

Riches are monetary
Riches are emotional
They come from your will
And the thoughts you have powerful

By Carla J. Gebelin 2007copyright

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Would You Realize

If someone listened to you
Believed you as much as you do

Would you realize

Every conclusion you’ve come to
Every dare you have encountered
Maybe wasn’t just for you

Would you realize

That thoughts are things
That materialize before your eyes

Would you realize

That parents were you once.
With oversights, mistakes,
Dares and Fate?

Would you realize it’s true

Be what you See
Feel what you See
Create what you want
In your hands it’s to be

C J Gebelin©2006

Monday, February 12, 2007

Life Finds Us

Life Finds Us

Life shows us

is ever there
It teaches us that pain,
does lead to despair
Life brings us
that change,

seeming too late
But as sudden as dark,
the light becomes fate

Life finds us,
and gives
things that are great

If open we leave
the window to shine in
The light will come flowing
and darkness does end

Carla J Gebelin©2007

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Magic of Giving Yourself Away

Every day we can be happier, we can smile more and we can feel lighter.

Life just seems to want to throw things at us that affect that happiness sometimes.
It might be stress from work, friends, or life happenings around us. Or parents.

But there is a secret that lies within Us,
and it’s Magic can be enjoyed every day.

It’s about giving, while taking.

It’s too common that adults are living daily lives in stress and in ruts, missing smiles and joy at the end of a day. That affects the kids in the house too. So what can we do to affect and change that?

Teens face daily change and anxiety from their world surroundings, environment and schools, more then ever. When is there a chance to feel joy, and good light-hearted feelings running through the veins?

So today I pledge you to do one small thing tomorrow,
that crosses your path that helps another person.

It might be letting someone go ahead of you in line at school, at a store. It might be opening a door for someone with full hands or that is elderly, it might be picking up a bag of trash on the side of the road or helping someone cross the road. It might even be writing a note of thanks or praise of a good job done to a teacher, or a friend for something small they have done for you and they didn’t even realize. It might be giving your last piece of gum away, or mailing a hand written letter to someone that deserves to hear how good of a thing they are doing.

You will feel the magic right away.
You will feel the joy and remember that happiness is alive and within our reach anytime, anywhere, and we can live life feeling brighter.

Let the Magic flow, and make a person shine bright!

Who knows, it might just begin to let people feel right! Joy!

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Sabotage yourself
Let the world come in
Try to do what’s right
Watch the sin crash in

Crash your true intentions
They take advantage of
Left yourself wide open
Vulnerable to scum

Now they have your throat
Between they’re dirty palms
Threat and take control
They take advantage of

They try to fill they’re sickness
They’re grossest heartless greed
Left yourself wide open
Seems you’ll never be freed

Set yourself right up
Trapped, no choices, in vain
Sabotaged yourself
Trust given, lost... not gained

Carla Gebelin©2006

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Only We know what We Feel

All too often, all around us we socialize with or know people that seem to think they know how we feel. Parent/s are very good at this. Telling us things about ourselves, that actually don’t fit in with what’s going on inside our heart and head at all.

A boyfriend tells his girlfriend, “I know you don’t like me anymore” when maybe the girlfriend does and has another problem.
A parent might tell you, “I know you hate me”, when in fact you have entirely different feelings about them.

It can be frustrating. Making it worse, these people don’t seem to want to ‘hear’ what you are really feeling. In cases where you just don’t know what you are feeling they also don’t seem to want to hear when you explain to them that you don’t.

Sometimes I’ve had others tell me what I’m feeling. It’s obvious to me right away they are in their own mind set and not even interested in asking me how I feel about the matter.
So right away, I gather my calm, and do the only thing one can do in that moment;

Look them in their eyes, and say, ”You are not inside of me, you can’t know what I’m feeling, you aren’t even asking or interested in hearing what I feel.”

And Sometimes, We don’t even know what we feel exactly. Thats the nature of being human when confusion sets in at times.
That’s when it really sucks to be told by someone what you’re feeling.
All one can do in that case is simply say, ”I don’t even know how I feel exactly, how can you know?

I guess what this all comes down to is one thing,
Only We can Know what we are truly feeling inside and no one else.

Only We Our Self are in our head and heart, and no two people are ever exactly the same.
Respect that, and life will be better and happier for so many more people, most of all yourself.
It’s so important to listen and observe those around you.
If you ever catch yourself telling someone how they feel, you may just want to stop, and listen to what they say they feel.

Using the Art Of Observation can be pretty amazing.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Voids of Precision

shallow hearts fall lightly
with each calm step...
steps bearing down,
through moraless virtue..
bleeding through music
bleeding through time...
the way to bleed emotion
and a world of crime

Copyright ©2005 C J. Gebelin